North Phoenix Family photography session

Typically I start a family portrait session with the family together as a unit, I take a few shots to adjust my settings and get everyone comfortable in front of my camera. I am NOT the “SAY CHEESE” kind of photographer so no cheesy cheese. I typically stage the parents where I want them, let mom or dad hold any non standing children or babies. I then fill the older children in where their height allows me to see everyone. I use the term ‘staged’ rather than ‘pose’ because you don’t need to hold the exact body position, my style of shooting is relaxed, fun, and leans more towards candid natural interaction.

I then say “everyone look at me, BIG SMILES”!

You know this is the photo Grandma wants, with everyone looking, so we get this shot out of the way first.

Next I move to candid’s “everyone look at mom, everyone look at dad” . Interacting and playing with your children will give the best results for your images. This is because when you genuinely get children to smile and laugh it out does any fake or angry teeth grins, and trust me everyone can tell the difference. If a family is starting to look rigid or stiff and too posed during a session I have been known to put on music and have a full on dance party with the kids in the desert to shake off those nerves or boredom. Your not expected to dance but imagine your children’s expressions if you started busting a move too.

IMPRESS YOUR KIDS, Show them how much FUN you ARE!

Family photo collection desert location with kids

Part of being a kid is being allowed to be silly, be silly with your kids too. Tickle them, stick your tongue out, engage with them on a level you know will get an interaction out of them. What quirky things do you love about your kiddos, what do you enjoy doing together, play on those things. What ever you need to do to help your littles enjoy this time together.

Don’t worry momma I’m getting to the snuggle part.

I often bring throw blankets in my car to have on hand for sitting poses ( your welcome to bring your own if you have a favorite color or textured one you prefer). I use the throw blankets as props to wrap kiddos up in as well as to stage sitting shots of families. I typically like to start sitting poses with the whole group then take mom out for dad and kids only then swap and get some shots of mom and kids only. Snuggle up for these shots, eskimo kisses, tell secrets in their ears, kiss the tops of your kids heads, let them snuggle up in your lap, play with their hair. These are those moments we as parents live for.

After all the play, all the silly stuff, all the sweet authentic expressions and snuggles, what your getting from a family portrait session is a moment to create a memory with your family, AND AWESOME PHOTOS!

Lets photograph your moments & create memories.


photo + VIdeo sessions


Getting creative with photography